Club Rating Policy

The Bend Pickleball Club recognizes four skill rating types. They are:

  1. A self-rating
  2. Club rating
  3. In September 2021, Central Oregon Pickleball Clubs adopted the Central Oregon Rating Evaluation (CORE) rating
  4. USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) Tournament Player Rating
  5. The ITPTA rating is determined by a Certified Rating Specialist following the rating protocol of the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association.
  6. DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) is a free global rating system typically earned through tournament play results.

For an explanation of these Club rating types, see the description below under “Club Rating Types.”

A Club member may self-rate their skills up to the 2.5 level. Any rating above that level must be a UTPR, IPTPA, or CORE rating.

A member may have a UTPR, IPTPA, and a CORE rating. If so, the member will be given the highest of those ratings.

If a member has a UTPR rating and subsequently discontinues their membership in USAPA, the member’s rating will be dropped by one half level. That rating will become a permanent Club rating. The reason for this is that members with a current UTPR may have their ratings raised or lowered based on tournament play. The skill levels of members who no longer have a UTPR are not adjusted in this same manner. Of course, any member may seek to increase their rating based on an IPTPA or CORE rating test.

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What is a Rating?

A player’s skill rating is a numeric value from 2.0 through 5.0 that classifies that player’s pickleball skills and abilities. The IPTPA’s Rating Skills Assessment provides a good explanation of the specific skills needed at each rating level up to 4.5.

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Why Do I Need a Rating?

Player ratings are used to group players by skill level so that players can compete in organized play and participate in clinics with other players of similar ability. This will improve a player’s chances of having more competitive and fun matches.

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Club Rating Types

1. Self-Rating: A new member may self-rate based on the player’s own assessment of his or her skills up to the 2.5 skill level. See these two links for the skills needed: Skill Level 2.0 and Skill Level 2.5.

2. Club Rating: Club rating is given by a local club pro/teacher based on visual observation and evaluation, up to a 3.0 skill level.

3. CORE: In September 2021, Central Oregon Pickleball Clubs adopted the Central Oregon Rating Evaluation (CORE) system to provide players an avenue to advance their rating level and have their rating be recognized among the participating clubs. The clubs accepting a CORE rating include the Bend Pickleball Club, Pickleball Zone Bend, Widgi Creek Pickleball, and those in La Pine, Sunriver, and Prineville. 

The CORE system is based on competitive round robin play. A CORE club will rate 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 players to get them to the next levels so they can play in organized events. Eligibility to participate in a CORE session includes any level lower than the level being evaluated. Members at the 4.0 skill level who want to get a 4.5 rating are advised to establish their rating through tournament play or IPTPA certified testing.

4. UTPR: USAPA Tournament Player Rating is assigned to the player by the USA Pickleball Association based on performance in tournament play. Unless a member applies for and receives a higher IPTPA or CORE rating, a UTPR will be the basis of a Club member’s skill rating.

5. IPTPA: This rating is determined by a Certified Rating Specialist following the rating protocol of the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association. It is transferable nationwide to other pickleball clubs using this rating system.

6. DUPR: The Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating is a free global rating system earned through tournament play results. The rating can also be calculated by a player tracking his/her last 30 (singles) or 60 (doubles) eligible matches and by playing at least one DUPR player in those matches (a “connectivity” advantage).

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Application of Ratings in Competition

From time to time the Club hosts USA Pickleball sanctioned tournaments. A member with an IPTPA or CORE rating may compete in Club tournaments at one-half level lower than the member’s current IPTPA or CORE rating.

For in-house-only Club tournaments, round robins, and other events, members must compete at their rating in effect on the day of the event.

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Rating Changes

UTPR player rating is based on player performance in sanctioned tournament play. The Club may from time-to-time check a member’s UTPR and adjust it up or down based on the member’s current UTPR.

IPTPA player rating is changed when the Ratings Chair receives official notification that the player has successfully completed an evaluation for a given skill level by an IPTPA Certified Rating Specialist.

CORE player rating is changed when the player has successfully passed a CORE test given by one of the participating Central Oregon clubs’ rating officials AND the player has notified the Bend Pickleball Club of their new level.

DUPR player rating is typically earned through tournament play results.

In all cases, it is the player’s responsibility to inform the Club of a change in rating.

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Rating Downgrade

A Club member may request a temporary or permanent downgrade in their current Club Skill Level Rating when injury, illness or declining physical ability may prevent safe play at current skill level. Submit your request to Include whether you seek a temporary or permanent downgrade. You will receive confirmation once your request has been processed.

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Rating Appeals

Appeals regarding a rating, including medical appeals, should be directed via email to the Rating Chair at  An Appeal email should include sufficient detail and contact information for the Chair to make a quick investigation into the matter.

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