IMPORTANT: The Bend Pickleball Club ratings policy has been changed. If you are considering a rating evaluation now or in the future, you should read the following carefully.
The International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA) has been working to establish a rating program that will lead to more standardized ratings practices for players who do not have or seek a USAPA rating. IPTPA has established Rater certification criteria and a 3 part skill assessment protocol that each Certified Rating Specialist (CRS) will follow in establishing a rating for a given player. You can visit the IPTPA website at for frequently asked questions on the new rating system, skill level descriptions, and test requirements.
Bend Pickleball Club is now a member of IPTPA and has adopted the IPTPA rating process as an alternative to a USAPA rating. With the exception of initial self-ratings and transitions from 2.0 to 2.5, all future ratings changes will be accomplished through USAPA tournament ratings or the IPTPA process. Please note that all existing BPC ratings will remain in effect until a player has a rating changed by the USAPA or through the IPTPA process.
The IPTPA process will begin with player registration in their program. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE SIGNING UP FOR A RATING SESSION! The player registers on the IPTPA website and pays a $15 fee to IPTPA for access to the rating program and a 3-year membership/listing on the IPTPA website. (BPC members will receive a $15 discount next time they renew their annual BPC membership.) This results in ZERO cost to BPC members for joining IPTPA.
After signing up for your ratings card you will be eligible to schedule a rating session with any certified rater. There are 13 IPTPA teachers in Oregon, but not all of them are CRS at this time. Ultimately there will be over 100 CRS in the country to choose from. Currently Lisa Palcic, Lee Whitwell and Lou Bayol are the ones in the area with additional visiting certified raters coming to Bend throughout the summer.
The player pays a $25 fee to the CRS for the rating session. The rater reports the rating back to IPTPA and the player is issued an identification card with rating information. The rating is posted on the IPTPA website, and the player is informed that tournament play should be done at the IPTPA rating level. Players who are signed up for a tournament have the option to move up immediately or can remain at the previous skill level for a maximum of 90 days. Players may attend additional rating sessions within the 3-year IPTPA membership without paying an additional membership fee, although the player will have to pay an additional rating fee to the CRS.
- Some of the benefits we see to this program are:
- More raters and rating opportunities will be available to club members.
- More consistent application of rating standards by CRS.
- Individual player ratings should be less subjective.
- Players can test at any level for the rating they think they should have.
- As more clubs become involved, tournament ratings will become more verifiable.
- Players can bring their IPTPA rating to any club.
- Eliminates need for “Club” rating and management of club rating process.
We believe this change to the BPC ratings process will improve the quality of play at all skill levels.
BPC Ratings Committee